10 foods to reduce high blood pressure Foods to eat – avoid

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Did you know that the older you get? The more you risk being high blood pressure Because in addition to our body, we will eat delicious food. enter as usual where our body burns less energy Until fat accumulates in the UFABET body in different parts (that everyone should know which part The more time you wear the same outfit will not know immediately) more than that Foods that are sold in the market are considered not quite nutritional.

10 foods to reduce high blood pressure Foods to eat - avoid

Sanook Health will recommend food for those who are at risk of having high blood pressure. (Or people who are fat and fat) should eat and should avoid each other.

10 foods you should eat to lower high blood pressure

  1. Watermelon regulates blood circulation. and control the expansion of blood vessels
  2. Celery reduces stress that causes arteriosclerosis.
  3. Bananas help balance the body’s intake of sodium. and potassium at a balanced rate with renal function.
  4. Olive oil is unsaturated fatty acids. Help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, make blood flow easily.
  5. Garlic contains antioxidants. Prevents cholesterol from sticking to the artery walls.
  6. Brown rice is a good source of energy and dietary fiber.
  7. Black sesame and white sesame have good protein, no fat.
  8. nuts, cashew nuts Sunflower seeds contain magnesium which helps in burning fat.
  9. Fish (skinned off), shellfish , good protein, low fat and magnesium. Gives energy and helps to strengthen the coronary arteries.
  10. low fat fresh milk a source of protein Calcium that helps maintain bones

10 foods to avoid to prevent high blood pressure

is food that is salty, sweet, or contains sodium and high levels of bad fats such as

  1. Fish sauce, soy sauce, various seasoning sauces
  2. bean paste
  3. Pickled vegetables and various pickled foods
  4. Frozen foods are often high in sodium. or highly salty
  5. soft drink
  6. candy, jelly, crispy sweet snack
  7. Pork fat, beef fat, skin on chicken
  8. alcoholic beverages
  9. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea
  10. Desserts such as cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream

some may be able to eat but don’t eat too much or eat it every day And don’t forget to find time to exercise regularly for better health . Guaranteed if you can. high blood pressure I won’t ask you for sure.